The November 2019 Market Stats are just in from WECAR (Windsor Essex County Association of Realtors).
Average sale price is up 14.66% at $340,366 compared to this time last year. Listings are down slightly at 559 units down 2.44% compared to this time last year and sales are down slightly as well at 461 units down 3.15% from this time last year.
What is the most popular price range right now? The $300k-$360k price range at 17.96% of sales as our average price range would suggest. If you’re looking for a starter home under $140k there’s not too much to choose from at only 4.59% of sales.
As usual, the Real Estate market is highly localized and specific. These numbers can be very different in your area or your price range. For a detailed analysis of what to expect based on your personal situation – Contact me anytime. I would be happy to sit down with you and explain exactly what you can expect from the market that you’re in. Steve Blais 226-347-6945 or